Wednesday, September 21, 2011


How deeply I have missed my blog!!!
It's a hard life being single and lonely-without my better half, sexy ass slim toshiba mean beast.Whomever be the basterd that stole you away on that fateful tube journey,I rest knowing that he cannot love you like I do!!!
P.s,blogging with a BB sucks big time!But u can't keep a good man down!
P.s,another guy blew me kisses today.I'm seriously starting to be worried.


  1. Guys have been blowing you kisses??! Tsk Tsk Tsk

    Your laptop got stolen?! Shall we form a committee of friends to get you another?

    Sorry about that though.

  2. Hi!!!!!! We've missed u too. And guys blowing you kisses... interesting. ;)

  3. guys blowing you kisses, biko don't let them take you oh.

    How is the new job, london bigz boy

  4. LOL T.notes is back, and making me crack out as usu.
    Welcome back :)
