Feet up...
Novels propped...
Well, it is not entirely summer, but you get the picture.
Vacation is Bliss.
I am pondering the future of these pages...
Certainly no longer my neat little private spot.
As i find myself having to often give consideration to audience.
It's the age old curse of exposure demands responsibility
When we become restrained to dance naked in the rain like yesterdays...
And seriously,linked-in and FB requests...clearly my annonymity is slowly becoming a breached b3st3rd.
I have tried to don a subtle new mask and slip into a new page...
But familiarity is where the heart lies...
So today i have walked the perimeter of this walls
and admitt i'd want to stay a while...
I'll be responsible elsewhere another day...
So, to all the hackers, let's cut a bargain...
Today, let my thoughts and soul roam free
None chasing any wishful stardom...only freedom.
And point me in the direction of the gates-to-identity i have ignorantly left swinging open
And when finally the curtains call,
we'll all end the show with a real honest toothy grin!