Tuesday, January 18, 2011

If you can guess the movie...

Paul Chambers plays a mellow score at the background.

He says: Yes...I live in...you live in...Everybody in the world knows who you are; my mother has troubles remembering my name.

She says: Fine...Fine...Good decision...Good decision.

She adds: The fame thing really isn't real you know. Don't forget, i'm also just a girl, standing infront of a boy..asking him to love her.

She reaches over to plant a pleasant kiss on his cheek, notions at the gift, then exits the store.

Gosh,can't wait to be done with this M.Sc, and so help me god people,if i dare mention that i'm having any thoughts of a p.hd or the like,somebody pls CALL ME BACK TO MY SENSES URGENTLY! After this,i'm so done proving points to anybody!

*Honestly...The preferred next course of learning is an M.A in creative writing, and i have no idea yet how i'll fund that! Ever feel like you need to pay attention for once to your subtle heart's desires..you know give your dreams a chance and see if just maybe that will calm your restless wandering discontents??That's the plan oooo!!!Relish the thought: Just abandon career books aside for a period and actually give the pen a chance. I would so love that! I'd slotted it into my 2011 goals,and without a doubt,i will update once i kick that off!

Oh,n back to the movie! The 1st winner gets a .....

1 comment:

  1. Movie title = NOTTING HILL (not so sure)

    There's nothing wrong in being career oriented, its just the pressure... sometimes it feels like ur head is gonna explode. As for payin up for another, well, where there's a will...
