Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This post has been archived.

This post has been archived.


  1. LMAO! WHarrisdis? Dude u r on sth I swear.

  2. hahaaaahaaaaaa lol Fabulola, hehe ask again
    he's on some speed.. T-notes, we fit pay for rehab oh!

  3. Lol! And sorry for painting my name all over ur blog. I like what I see is all ;)

  4. @Miss Fabulo: Oooh you're welcome to plaster ur name all over my blog (and ehm cough, all over me) wheneva u feel like!Oh, n Jesus Loves u2!!!Yay!
    Wait till i get to urs!

    @Juanita: Dunno o, tried a couple a' institutions here in Naija but 1st one didnt have light (NEPA!)at the time to book me; 2nd one, doctors were on strike, 3rd one,cleaners staff were on strike, 4th, u know how it goes in Las Gidi! Ooh, i love my country!

  5. hehehehehe!!!
    what an expression...

  6. Should have just heeded your warning that "I, T.Notes am entirely up to no good with this entry!"... but the tatafoo in me no gree.hmmm...no comment
