Thursday, April 15, 2010

This post has been archived.

This post has been archived.


  1. If this is fiction, then it's very creative.

    If not, how interesting these two are.

  2. Hmmm... Shay make I comment? LOL
    Its amazing what goes on inside the inside of relationships o. But this one is quite lovely though... haha. Me, Like! A little naughtiness [inside marriage] though is not bad. lol

    - LDP

  3. @NakedSha: Fiction or reality, well uhmmmmmm....
    Either ways,u know how them emotions/love dare the creativity as regards bedroom matters.*wink* Overly-conservative couples r a bore!

    @neefemi: Love what?(Naughty grin) The tale or the spanks?

    @LDP: Pls don't hold back!Lol, i'm certain even professors have naughty tricks up their sleeves.

  4. So i was searching for a visual picture to add to this, and good Lord, the details i was getting! My laptop was instantly flooded with PORN! Even Wikipedia (in describing sexual spanking) was already delving fast into hard core sexual anomaly!What ever happened to the little innocent foreplays?!Crazy,our world,we take things to the extreme-xxx!

    Though,ok some might call it preference, i won't debate that, just as long as nobody's getting the sort of red sore buttchecks i was seeing in those pics. SHUDDERS!!!(Brrrrr).

    N yup, as noted by LDP: A little naughtiness [inside marriage], is fine by me. May T.Notes ramblings not drive nobody into fornication!lol!

  5. Lol, T.Notes, shebi na you go look nah! :)

  6. lol, the tales now....what spanking? lol...

  7. You this naughty naughty, lol. Nice one.

  8. just when i was wondering where ur muse went to ...

    60% of this in a rltnshp shldn't be a bad idea!

  9. mosquitoes, lol

    Love the couple gisting actually, very funny

  10. Lol@ comments!

    @neefemi: Ok i hear u, the tale most definitely! U won't just confess your spank tendencies! (Evil wink)

    @nakedsha: abi, nobody send me work. But twas innocent lookery;)

    @musco: Hey My Man!!!Nah,i'm still dey kampe and the juices r still flowing perfectly.
    60% uh? I pray you best of luck in finding that willing partner!My practical advice,hope for 35% and if you get 50%, take it with joy!

    @The Most Royal Myne: Thanx.But why the naughty naughty nahhh?!lol!

    @gigi:Heyyyy!Good c'ing u around!Hmmm,glad i inspired a smile then.

    @Yankeee:It's totally the mosquitoes! N jeez, quite alot of them too!
    Nothing finer than a couple who still know how to laugh n have fun on a regular day. Hmmm,i know!

    P.S Show love to new blog page/non-newcomer:

    N a big woohooo to T.Notes New Readers!Zipping over to your pages now. Thanx4 hopping aboard.

  11. LOL.... This has to be fiction

  12. well what goes on behind closed doors ... hmmmm ... should really stay there ... the surprises can kill lol!!!

    mw u changed ur address and i kept clicking on the one i had and kept being told the address didn't exist...and kept wondering if you took an early blogsville retirement... :-)

  13. @flygirlbidiish: Hullo! Early retirement, no way! I'd be the last blogger standing till blogsville collapses due to overload!lol

    Imagine, i somehow (unwittingly) mixed urs up with another blogg page...though all d while i kept thinking, uhmm, something don't seem right with this scenerio!

    Uhmm yeah, toggled with the address a while back. Must have missed out urs in the messages i sent out to that effect. Good c'in u around!

  14. This has got to be fiction and if it is real that is some lovely relationship they hav got.

    Thanks for visitng my blog

  15. Wow, why's everybody voting for fiction?!!!Does nobody believe anymore in a real life romantic sorta living! Na wa/Jeeez!!!Ya'll are studying/working too hard! Take a break, go for icecream with him or her, n do lovey dovey silly sorta things and come upload on blogger!!!!;-)lol!!!!

    @lara, you're welcome, i'm definitely coming around again.

    @My world: hmmmmmm!Good c'ing u around!

    So, real or fiction???
    80% real, 20% embellished! Haaa!(Sticks out a childish cheeky tongue)
