Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This post has been archived.

This post has been archived.


  1. This is so cute!
    id love to see that in real life :)

  2. Lol. Thanx! I thought so too; glad to have an affirmation. Trying to polish my wittiness and conversation lines for screenplay n theater. These Lofty aspirations of mine!

  3. haha!that was real funny. wish this situation will occur to me

  4. @ ążŘĕЄŋ: I could bet my last *Naira* that if you- think not too deep, you count recount no less than ten instances when such has happened to you;).
    Thanx. Now, what's accoutrement???lol.I'll find out.

  5. OOOH that was sauve, i love your writing! thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. you've attracted me as a follower, keep 'em coming!
    oh and tell me about these theatre writing gigs of yours once you get a chance!

  6. @trytryagain...You'll welcome. And welcome aboard here too;) Will start up a discussion thread sometime soon and we can talk writing ideas, theater, school and pesky office colleagues;)
    Oh, n thanx4 the compliment.

  7. Hmm, i have some naughty ideas for developing this. Will hopefully put up a followup later.

  8. Me likey! Very much! Will be patiently waiting for a follow up :)

    PS Thank you for stopping by at mine.

  9. lol Um okay. I want to say cute but I'm not sure yet! 2 much gestures, it almost sounds Nollywood ish. LOL
    patiently awaiting d follow up tho.

  10. @Dith: Aww common, just say you like it;)lol. Yiiish, Nollywoodish is not a good comment at all- the idea is to rise above those standards!But *constructive constructive criticism noted.

    @CaramelD. WhoopieDoo!Considering your far n wide acclaim/repute (lol), that's most def a compliment. Thanx4 dropping by urself.

    @all: Followup will suffice soon. I'm a bit of nittypicky with streaming the words/conversation together. They must gel fluidly like....

  11. ...shld try out my own version of this story!

    cool blog!

  12. soooooooo hawt!!!!! thanks for stopping by! look who is calling me a good writer!!!

  13. @Shubby Doo: Thanx!But hmm,too much sugar and cherry just won't do. Will have2 up the tempo on this one;)

    @Musco: Yeah Man!I'm up for a good challenge!Just checked out your page, so waiting for your own version. Is that a duel; bring it on!!!lol. Oh n finally, a Naija Guy blogger- was begining to think we're an extinct breed!

    @LovePaprika: Miss Love Miss Love Miss Love!Stopping by's a start-i'm an ardent follower now!Mucho gracias too.

  14. I must first time here and this is awesome!

  15. Thanx Dew!!!Been to yours, n hoping to read more of you.
    Cheers Cheers.

    Ok, it's seeming like i can't even write anything else! Haba,people, read other blogs too!

  16. @neefemi: Thanx again!You took your time around the older blogs,awesome!

  17. Awwww this is so sweet...

    Now I wish I had a new man chasing me...the chase...owwwwwwww the chase!!

  18. @Afrobabe: Why do i imagine you'd ravish the guy before he's done concocting his lyrics!!!lmao!!!!
    Cool seeing you around!

  19. Sebastian (yes, that looney disney crab!) is singing in my ear tonight: shalalala,don't be shy, you gotta kiss the girl!
    Everybody saw Disney's Little mermaid, yah? Even if you watched it then for the sake of your pesky 5yr old neice, but we saw it n loved it. Y do i bring that up? To sort of xplain this 2minute scenerio that's tipping over 20comments!! BTW,thanx all4 dropping by.

    Its a fast world we live in: twitter,BB,Cable t.v,everything's reduced to microwave speed to save our "precious time". But, i don't know ooo,maybe i'm just getting old/ old fashioned, sometimes,i certainly do appreciate that as regards matters of d heart, such as the proverbial "falling in love", i think the good ole fashioned way still does it best.i.e,don't hurry by with short messages,DM and yahooChats.Let's not meet at the bar n end up within the sheets, let's just slow things dowwwn!Let me eye you from across the room; allow me have my cold feet and try2 beat it wondering what to say to you and how. And when i finally say hello, let it feel like electricity when i graze your hand by "mistake". Let it feel so much like magic that a 10yr old disney cartoon character will return to my matured head tonight teasing me till i lean over and kiss you for the very first time...

    *Don't crucify me o, "sharp-sharp" has its advantages but...i'm just saying". Na my blog now! (It's my blog right!)

    @Aiesha: Thanx girl!I'll zipp over to urs shortly.

  20. lmao....omygosh, you are such a retard...heheheheheh but awwww at the old fashioned bit, i am the same sweet
